

Last month, I mentioned that we wrapped up a Nutrition Kickstart and that this month I would highlight our first focus. The first week of the kickstart we focused on protein! Protein is an essential macronutrient. It helps us build and fix our tissues, grow muscles, make hormones and enzymes, and fight sickness.

I believe that eating healthy and creating good habits can be easy! I want to share some of those habits here with you. If you are wanting to focus on protein; aim to eat some lean protein the size of your entire hand three times a day! Especially if weight loss or painting muscle is your goal. Here are some additional reasons why protein is important:

  1. Building and fixing tissues
  2. Protein helps fix and grow our muscles, bones, skin, hair, and nails. It’s extra important for kids, pregnant women, and people who are sick or hurt.
  3. Muscles need protein to grow and stay healthy. This is really important for people who play sports or exercise a lot. Eating enough protein can keep muscles from breaking down too much.
  4. Protein helps make hormones and enzymes. These things do important jobs in our bodies like digesting food, making energy, and copying DNA.
  5. Protein can help people lose weight. This is because our bodies burn more calories when we eat protein than when we eat other things like carbs or fat.
  6. Protein makes antibodies that help us fight germs. These antibodies protect our bodies from bad things like bacteria and viruses.
  7. Eating protein can make us feel full for longer.  This is helpful for people who are trying to lose weight because it helps us keep the snacking to a minimum.

When you are looking for recipes; search for things that have lean meats, lower fat dairy (yogurt and cottage cheese) and fish. Here are two recipes you can try to get a good serving of protein in! If you need help with your nutrition; click this link to have a free no obligation conversation with us.

Breakfast- Protein-Packed Egg and Avocado Toast


  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 small avocado, sliced
  • 1/4 cup of cottage cheese
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional: hot sauce or sliced tomatoes


  1. Toast the slices of whole wheat bread.
  2. While the bread is toasting, heat a small non-stick skillet over medium heat.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs and cottage cheese.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and cook until the eggs are set, about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Season the eggs with salt and pepper.
  6. Mash the sliced avocado with a fork and season with a pinch of salt.
  7. Spread the mashed avocado on the toasted bread.
  8. Top each slice with the cooked eggs.
  9. Add optional hot sauce or sliced tomatoes, if desired.
  10. Enjoy your delicious and protein-packed breakfast!

By adding cottage cheese to the eggs in this recipe, we’ve increased the protein content while keeping the dish low in carbs. Cottage cheese is a great source of protein and also provides calcium and other nutrients. This breakfast provides a balanced mix of protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you feeling full and energized throughout the morning.

Salmon and Veggie Sheet Pan Meal


  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, sliced
  • 1 bunch of asparagus, trimmed
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper
  • Lemon wedges, for serving


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, garlic, thyme, salt, and black pepper.
  3. Place the salmon fillets in the center of a large sheet pan, and arrange the sliced veggies around the salmon.
  4. Drizzle the olive oil mixture over the salmon and veggies, and use your hands to coat everything evenly.
  5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked through and the veggies are tender and slightly charred.
  6. Serve the salmon and veggies hot, with a squeeze of lemon juice over the top.

This sheet pan meal is a simple and delicious way to incorporate protein and veggies into your dinner. The salmon provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, while the colorful veggies add fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You can easily customize this recipe by using different veggies, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or green beans, and adjusting the cooking time to ensure they are cooked to your liking.


Meet Cathy

Many people don’t think of a CrossFit gym as the place for personal training.  If they do they assume that personal training is a watered down version of CrossFit.  At CrossFit Erie, our coaches meet with you to discuss your specific goals and create a customized plan to reach them.  Whether you want to lose weight, gain mobility, gain strength or train for an outside sport; we can help.

Personal training is more than just a one on one session with a coach.  It is an opportunity to improve your quality of life or work on a specific skill.  

Meet Cathy!

Cathy is 76 years young.  When she started personal training, she was recovering from a recent fall after tripping over the dog.  She was noticing some everyday tasks were becoming harder to perform; like carrying the groceries inside.  She was also experiencing some shoulder pain.  

In just two months, we have increased her strength, balance and mobility.  She can carry the groceries easier, she is sleeping better with almost no pain in her shoulder and can balance on one foot while putting socks and shoes on getting ready in the morning! Here is what she has to say,

“Personal training is what I needed to stay motivated and committed to show up at the gym.  I feel great physically and mentally. I have become stronger and at my age; that is very important.  Shelby is an awesome coach and the days in the gym are the best days of the week.”

At CrossFit Erie, we use functional movements but move at a pace that is appropriate for you.  

If you or someone you know is looking for personal training that can be tailored specifically to you; click this link to book an intro.  


Do you make your own toothpaste?

Do you make your own toothpaste?

What is the magic recipe to seeing the results you want? Do you want to tone up? Build Muscle? Lose Fat? Eat Healthier? It isn’t shiny or catchy but there is one universal thing we need for success. 🙂 What is it? Consistency!

Many of us know this but we lack success in creating consistency. If you eat 3 meals a day x’s 7 days that is 21 meals. If 19-20 of those are healthy that is being consistent. This is where my toothpaste analogy comes in.

Im going out on a limb and guessing you don’t make your own toothpaste. 🙂 Does someone have to remind you to brush your teeth? Im guessing they don’t. Those of us that are successful in reaching our health goals make healthy choices as available as the toothpaste in your top bathroom drawer.

The pantry has healthy food, the freezer has veggies, the fridge has protein.

Some of you might be thinking, I have signed up for a gym membership or bought that bag of lettuce, just to never show up or throw it in the trash a week a later; well, me too! What we need in the beginning of the consistency piece is accountablility.

A friend who will bike ride with us, or take a class together. Maybe its a meal plan service or meal prepping with someone or a coach.

In the beginning of making a life change, it is important to change your environment. That will mean having your options(food, gym etc) available to you AND having someone who will help keep you accountable.

Pretty soon, it will become second nature; like brushing your teeth.

If you need some help with accountability or some guidance on nutrition or fitness, click here to schedule a free No Sweat Intro.



Keeping the Focus

Last week, I wrote about hiring my first nutrition coach.  I hired someone to give me a fresh perspective.  I thought I was also hiring someone to give me some accountability.  What I have really gained through these last few months is how to keep focused.  

Websters definition of accountability:  an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions

Your lack of success in nutrition isn’t your goal or motivation.  It is a lack of where to focus.  I am a coach.  I give people nutrition advice, tips, and recipes for a living.  I wasn’t lacking the motivation or even knowledge.  When the day went south or life/pandemic stresses would come at me, I would lose my focus for a bit.  

Websters definition of focus: to concentrate attention or effort

: to adjust one’s eye or a camera to a particular range

True change, in any area of our life, requires getting down to the root of the problem.  Food, in and of itself isn’t the problem.  Donuts don’t jump off the tray at the store into your cart.  A second helping doesn’t magically appear on your plate. A glass of, insert your favorite alcoholic drink here, doesn’t poor itself at the end of a stressful day.  If success came down to knowledge and motivation, most of us would already be successful.

What I learned and what we do at CrossFit Erie, is a three step process:

First- We need to define what your goal is.  This is more than “I want to lose fat, or tone up.”  We want to get a realistic and specific goal.

Second- We create a strategy.  We will discuss a plan for you and teach you what a great day looks like. 

Third- We give you tactics for success.  This is where the focus comes into play. 

What happens when you want the cookies?  What happens when you’re hit with bad news?  What happens when your business is mandated a second shut down?  Having a coach becomes more than someone looking to see if you did well on a test.  We are teaching you how to change your self talk, how to celebrate the small win of not eating a cookie today and instead grabbing a healthy snack.  We aren’t sitting back checking boxes.  Did they eat protein? “check”  We are giving you the tools to succeed with the obstacles life will continue to throw at you.  

If we just held you accountable, we would check in and see if you followed your plan.  While this question might come up, we want to offer more.  We can help you adjust your focus to your goal.  We want to teach you how to put your attention not on the now, but on the end prize; day in and day out. A plan that fits your everyday life.

If you are ready to change your life through a nutrition overhaul, click here, then select free intro. We would love to share with you how to reach the goals you have always wanted.


Why Everyone needs a coach?

In case you aren’t aware, we are in a pandemic. 😅  This pandemic has been especially challenging for small business owners across the globe.  While I feel like I handle stress decently; there have been many opportunities to exercise my abilities.  

Most often when people look to hiring a coach, they want direction.  I usually hear things like, “I don’t know what to do” or “I don’t want to hurt myself” .  Why would someone who “knows” what to do need to hire a coach?  For me it came down to one thing….. 


Ironically, just two months ago, I would have told you I was hiring someone to keep me accountable.  It is true that I needed accountability.  As the owner of a gym, it is really easy to lock the doors after a long morning when you’re tired and hungry, and not workout.  It is easy to overeat a snack food in-between a long to do list.  It is also easy to go more than half a day eating 250 calories to be ravenous in the early evening.  All things I was guilty of doing.

It is easy, especially in these times, to get stuck in a rut of telling myself how I am not measuring up, where I need to do more, or that once again I broke a promise to myself.  This cycle is hard to break, that is why I hired a nutrition coach for the first time in my life.

I knew someone would be checking in on me and keeping me accountable.  Looking at my entries in my fitness pal, and looking at my body scans, these are all things I expected. However, what I gained the most from my nutrition coach was focus.

I mean seriously, this is what I do for a living…. I knew what good foods were, I knew the benefit of a workout and I knew how to implement things.  This almost worked to my detriment.  Instead of giving myself grace and making a small correction, I would beat myself up for not making the right decision.  Does that sound at all familiar?  

If left to my own devises, I would have tried to change everything all at once.  Then, when the week was busy and I failed, I would tell myself it was another week of not making progress.  With a coach by my side the week begins to look different.  

Instead, during a stressful week, I would reach out to my coach and give a list of what was ahead of me.  She would then send back two focus points for the week.  This was doable.  Measuring my food, tracking every ounce, killing every workout, was not maintainable.  Having two action points were maintainable.  Because I only had to focus on two things, I also took them seriously.  I tried even in the low moments to really check those things off the list.

Over the next few weeks, I will share with you some of my focus points.  At the end of the day, we are all human.  We do need accountability but beyond that we need to know where to keep our FOCUS.

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It’s not CrossFit, It’s you.

It’s not CrossFit, it’s you.  

That sounds mean I suppose, but stay with me for just a minute.  

The two main obstacles for people starting CrossFit is “Its way too hard” and “I’m not in good enough shape yet.”

At CrossFit Erie, each member begins with 3 personal on ramp classes.  These introductory classes lay a foundation for you lifting weights safely and effectively.  We use light weight and focus on technique, prior to you starting your first class.

 We also do short workouts at the end of each sessions.  During these workouts; we can discuss how to modify a workout or movement, due to injury or a limitation.   We meet you right where you are create a path that will guarantee success.

The thing we can’t do is convince you that you can do it.  You, are the one, who has to take action.

“The thing we can’t do is convince you that you can do it.  You, are the one, who has to take action.”


I grew up a dancer.  My mom owned the studio.  We competed.  There were eyes on me all of the time.  I was expected to be good, the best, the example.   I didn’t know anything different so I don’t even remember hating it.  It’s just what it was.  it did begin to develop in me this trait of; if I couldn’t do it well, I didn’t even want to try.  I didn’t want anyone to see me fail.

We, my husband and I, started in our garage with what we could piece together with equipment.  I had a few friends join me.  Matt, my husband, told me to “try it for 30 days”.  So, that is what I committed to.

The first week I liked it.  It was hard but I didn’t’ have time to think about anything else.  I had two kids and a husband who worked 60 hrs a week minimum.  CrossFit was a great distraction.  I couldn’t think about anything else but what I was doing.  At week three, I was kind of frustrated.  I didn’t feel like I was getting any better.  The workouts were still really hard.  I couldn’t do a pull up.  I was still struggling.  I decided the end of week three I was going to quit at the end of my 30 days.  I didn’t “feel” any stronger or faster.

Then it happened.  At the end of 30 days we redid the first workout.  Day one my workout took me 24 minutes.  I still remember it, there was running and pushups (yuck to both) among other things.  It was hot, I was struggling, my push ups were on my knees and became one rep at a time.

On day 30, in the middle of that same workout, I remember feeling like I was struggling in the same manner.  I was moving as fast as I could, but the push ups again became one at a time.  This time I could do 2-4 on my toes before going on my knees. I thought, ok, that is something but nothing to get too excited about. The workout that took me 24 minutes on day one, took me 16 minutes on day 30!!!!  When I finished and saw my time I said out loud “I wonder what tomorrows workout will be”.  I was hooked.  I may not have felt stronger but the science was there.  I did the same amount of work in less time!

As we get older, it becomes scarier to take on something unknown.  We don’t want to make ourselves vulnerable, or look bad.  Do you know the alternative is to that though?  Succeeding.  We are so good at putting everyone before us so we opt for easy.  Easy is boring. 

My favorite part of coaching, is helping people push beyond their expectations.  You will tell me what you can’t do and I just nicely help to push beyond that expectation. (safely of course)    You don’t have any idea what you are capable of.  

For me, It wasn’t CrossFit being too hard.  It was me, limiting myself.  

Imagine where you want to be.  Imagine yourself succeeding.  

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Finding CrossFit…

My mission is to help as many people as I can live their happiest, healthiest life.  I do this through: nutrition, personal training and group classes.  I want your hour in the gym to be the best hour of your day.  

My husband introduced me to CrossFit many years ago.  In those days, you couldn’t find a CrossFit gym on every corner.  We did WOD’s (workout of the day) in the heat and cold of the garage with equipment we made and weights purchased off of Craigslist.  Rogue, for those of you familiar, didn’t exist.

Look at those shoes!! Before Rogue existed and Reebok partnered with CrossFit, Jumping on a homemade box!

At that time,  I had given birth to my second son, Evan, about 9 months prior.  I had lost most of the weight, but nothing fit right.  My son had severe reflux and allergies. He would throw up 20 times a day.  I had mastered how to lay a baby blanket over my shoulder with a back up burp cloth, to ensure I could make it through feeding him without having to change clothes 5 times a day.  We had Dr. visits, medicine and special formula.  I was lucky enough to stay home and be with him.  His food alone cost us 1200$ a month. 

 I committed to 30 days of CrossFit; very reluctantly.  I was doing movements I had never done in my life.  Deadlift, Clean, Back-squat; none of these words meant anything to me the day I started.  In my first 30 days, I was learning new movements, running (god help me) lifting weights and many more.  

Prior to Evan, I would go to a globo gym, not know what to do, and walk on the treadmill.  Maybe take a body pump class.  The whole time on the treadmill, I was thinking about what was for dinner, what I needed at the store, what bill I needed to pay etc.  

With CrossFit, my mind was way too occupied to think about any of this.  It hit a reset button in my brain everyday.  I thought clearer, I was less stressed, I had more energy.  I wasn’t even focused on the physical, I was focused on moving correctly.  One night, talking to Matt after putting the kids down, he interrupts me and says, your legs have an entirely different shape!  It gave me the trifecta, More energy, better fitness, and improved body composition.  

I spent my young adult life, teaching kids dance and tumbling.  Coaching CrossFit was a natural transition. Most people who coach (anything) usually get burnt out over time.  For me, It is still my best hours of the day!

Fast forward many years and two moves later, I had an opportunity to open a gym in Colorado.  CrossFit Erie, has given me the opportunity to do what I love.   It has given me a “job” that I love pouring my heart into.  Most of all, it has given me a community of individuals who are supportive, kind, and encouraging.